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Questions tagged [newhope]

NewHope is a KEM based on the presumed hardness of the RLWE problem. New Hope did not select for the 3rd round of NIST PQC.

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Module LWE with an even modulus

Does module-LWE remains hard for an even modulus $q$, or a power of two? This is true for Ring-LWE (pseudorandomness) and Module-LWR (SABER). I can't find any reference to it!
C.S.'s user avatar
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NewHope and NIST's Post-quantum standardization

Where can I find NIST's reasoning to eliminate NewHope from the 3rd round of the post-quantum competition? I see all the lattice KEMs finalists are based on modules. Is being a ring-based KEM ...
Rick's user avatar
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Binomial distribution sampling - concrete example

Can anyone give me an explicit example of how one can samples from the binomial distribution defined in NewHope's paper? What is the difference of sampling from rounded Gaussian in practice?
C.S.'s user avatar
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Differences between “NewHope” and “NewHope-simple”

The well-known paper described a key exchange (KE) scheme named "NewHope" on USENIX 2016. The authors then proposed "NewHope-Simple" - a PKE/KEM scheme. They also submitted "NewHope for NIST" - ...
Zachary's user avatar
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Differences between NewHope-CPA-KEM and NewHope-CCA-KEM

According to the web page for NewHope, an R-LWE post-quantum key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) candidate for standardization, it comes in types that are IND-CPA or IND-CCA secure. I know what CPA and ...
forest's user avatar
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CECPQ1 key exchange functionality

CECPQ1 (combined elliptic Curve and Post-Quantum Cryptography Key Exchange) is a new key exhange developed by google, which combine X25519 with NewHope (elliptic Curve KE + Post-quantum KE). Google ...
Omar's user avatar
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Converting NewHope/LWE key exchange to a Diffe-Hellman-like algorithm

By a “Diffe-Hellman-like” algorithm, I mean one that has the same API as Curve25519, etc (disregarding trivial differences such as the size of parameters): a function $$F: (P_\text{other}, S_\text{...
Demi's user avatar
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Number of LWE samples in NewHope

This is regarding the number post-quantum key exchange protocol New-Hope ( In the paper, we can see that the number of samples generated by the protocol is $2n$ ...
Rick's user avatar
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What is the purpose of adding secondary error to calculated key in BCNS and NewHope protocols

The answer to this question might be trivial or very short, but I would like to ask it anyway. In both BCNS and NewHope Ring-LWE key-exchange protocol one party adds a secondary error to their ...
Node.JS's user avatar
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NTRU Backdoor and NewHope TLS Protocol

The pre-print, Unstructured Inversions of NewHope was posted yesterday and uses a backdoor method against NTRU to claim that Grover's algorithm and an inversion oracle could be applied to NewHope. My ...
floor cat's user avatar
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Is the "New Hope" Lattice Key Exchange vulnerable to a lattice analog of the Bernstein BADA55 Attack?

In the paper, "Post Quantum Key Exhange - A New Hope," the authors present a lattice-based key exchange based on the work of Chris Peikert. In this "New Hope" key exchange the authors try to gain ...
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