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Questions tagged [s-des]

Simplified DES is a toy variant of the DES cipher introduced by Edward F. Schaefer in 1996 for educational purposes. It has an 8-bit block size and a 10-bit key, and uses two rounds, with two 4x2 bit S-boxes.

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Extracting key bits from linear cryptanalysis equation for SDES

From the linear cryptanalysis of SDES, we get a linear equation consisting the K[1, 3] of the round key 1 and 2. From this how will I retrieve the key bit? How do we solve the linear equation we get ...
levi1696's user avatar
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Simplied DES why 10-bit key?

In Simplified DES algorithm, the plain text is 8-bit & the key is 10-bit, why is that, why can't both be of 8-bits each?
Mark Ben's user avatar
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P10 to P8 in S-DES

I am new to cryptography. During my learning I am facing a problem with S-DES. I am confused where P10 to P8 come from, and I’m ...
Sagar Upadhyay's user avatar
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Ciphertext-only attack on Simplified DES

Is it possible to deduce the plaintext block or the key, given only a Simplified-DES ciphertext block (e.g. c=01110110)? I'm reading Cryptography And Network Security, by William Stallings and I'm bit ...
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2 answers

Cryptanalysis of S-DES - Equations

I am trying to derive equations for s and t in the cryptanalysis of a Simple DES algorithm, but I haven't been able to deduce it....
GamingX's user avatar
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