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7 votes
1 answer

Can two people with different one time pads securely exchange a message like this?

Alice has a message, generates a one time pad, encrypts her message and sends it to Bob. Bob generates his own one time pad, encrypts the message again, and sends it back to Alice. Alice then decrypts ...
user545424's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

2way cryptography

Imagine Alice sending Bob a message. They act like this: Alice encrypts a message with her key and sends it to Bob. Bob encrypts the message again with his key and sends it back to Alice. Alice ...
christostz's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Ballot box with multiple parties. All can read it, or none can read it

I am trying to create a decentralized moderation system for the game Diplomacy, a game for seven players. In each round of a face-to-face game, each player writes their moves on paper then puts it in ...
000's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Multiple encryption using the same key

I am a newbie to this area. I have a program that uses a custom algorithm to encrypt a message. I can encrypt it as many times as I want, but using the same key. I have couple of questions so that I ...
Lock Smith's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Three Pass Protocol Question!

Alice and Bob have agreed to use the Three Pass Protocol. p=1009 Alice chooses the encryption exponent e_A = 101 Bob chooses the encryption exponent e_B = 209 Now Alice and Bob send three ...
sherrie1618's user avatar