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Cryptosystems which support computation on encrypted data. They might be partially homomorphic (support for one operation such as + or *) or they might be fully homomorphic (any sequence of + and *).

0 votes

Transform a large integer to Plaintext ERROR in SEAL Library

As far as I know: if you are trying to multiply a ciphertext by a very large constant (inverse, I assume), this is a highly nontrivial task (because of the simultaneous error scale-up). In fact, if yo …
The Dice Man's user avatar
0 votes

Homomorphic Encryption - Integer modulus in HEAAN and key sampling

First of all, the multiplicative depth $L$ and thus the selection of your ciphertext modulus $Q_L$ is important for guaranteeing a certain number ($L$) of correct ciphertext multiplications before nee …
The Dice Man's user avatar
0 votes

Essence of bootstrapping

Let me try a basic high-level explanation. The modern approach is to encrypt messages $m$ as ciphertexts $c$ under a secret key $s$. To achieve security, we slightly alter $c$ with something called a …
The Dice Man's user avatar
1 vote

Does the plaintext modulus have to be prime in BGV?

BGV can be set up with arbitrary moduli, as far as I know (BFV can, and BGV is just a different encoding). However, as you observed correctly, to make use of the CRT you would need pairwise coprime fa …
The Dice Man's user avatar
1 vote

About learning with error rings with only constant coefficient

Yes, you could encrypt the message $5$ as a polynomial $f = 5$ in the polynomial ring, which is usually something like $R := \mathbb Z [X] / \langle x^N + 1 \rangle$ with $N$ being quite large $>2^{10 …
The Dice Man's user avatar
3 votes

Two problem about noise management of BFV

Problem 2 first. If you use $E=2*\delta_R*B$ as an initial noise and you perform $L$ multiplications (using the same ciphertext), then you multiply (see Lemma 2) the noise $E$ each time by $t\cdot \de …
The Dice Man's user avatar