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Encryption is the process of transforming plaintext using a cipher into ciphertext to make it unreadable to anyone except those possessing the key. Decryption is the process of transforming that ciphertext back into plaintext, using the key.

2 votes

Decoding Base64 message encoded with a key. I only know the ciphertext and code

I have briefly looked at the code. It is not well readable, but it looks like it is Vigenère cipher. It seems to operate on Unicode values of the characters, but it probably does not expect the Unicod …
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Brute force against computational security

If G is PRNG, there are two issues: First, not all PNRGs are cryptographically secure. You have to use a cryptographicaly secure PRNG, a CSPRNG. If the PRNG was not cryptographically secure, one migh …
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Merkle tree H(RBIT(X) ⊕ Y) instead of H(X || Y)

Your design has a formatting flaw: A non-leaf node can have the same hash as some leaf node with corresponding data. Having all the data generated randomly does not mitigate it, because you can't forc …
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3 votes

How can a cryptosystem be unconditionally secure?

With one-time pad (Vernam's cipher) encryption, the attacker can't guess anything. If the ciphertext is 0, the plaintext is 0 with probability $p$ (and the plaintext is 1 with the probability $1-p$). …
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1 vote

How secure is file header encryption for large files?

It depends on the format. The size suggests it is a video. However, video formats seems to be designed to be seekable. That means, the attacker seems to be able to: Create some header (guessing the …
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1 vote

can a weak cipher in a cascade weaken the result?

It depends. Are the keys related? If they are, it is hard to reason about it in general. If they are not, you can continue. Well, what “related” means? I am not sure if there is a good definition. …
v6ak's user avatar
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1 vote

Remove padding (CBC) from decrypted text

First, you have to know what padding you are using. In the padding, you will find the padding length. Second, you should set the padding type in the library. Third, removing and validating and using …
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3 votes
1 answer

Deterministic encryption for a limited space: using HMAC as IV [duplicate]

Authenticated encryption, of course. There are also some conditions that can make it easier: I will encrypt small chunks of data (few dozens of bytes). … This requires both IV and authentication tag to be stored alongside the encryption. …
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