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10 votes

Why is ISAAC not a pseudo random number generator?

Trying to distinguish a synchronous stream cipher from a CSPRNG seems to me a bit like trying to distinguish ice from frozen water. Any secure stream cipher is a CSPRNG, and any CSPRNG can be used as ...
Ilmari Karonen's user avatar
9 votes

Fast crytographically secure Pseudo-Random number generator in software

What are the methods for generating pseudo-random numbers in software? What are the other methods available for fast pseudo random number generation? If you don't need to be able to repeat the stream ...
Ella Rose's user avatar
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4 votes

Is the output of ISAAC still secure if I take the 32 bit number mod 8?

Well, let's start with that N mod 255 doesn't convert number to 8bit byte, but a byte without highest possible value, 255. You were looking for either ...
axapaxa's user avatar
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4 votes

Why is ISAAC not a pseudo random number generator?

I've certainly been confused over the definitions and scope of these terms as well. Over time, as I've learned more, I've come to see it in terms of two use cases. The first is when two parties ...
Luis Casillas's user avatar
3 votes

Isaac nth number from run

No, that won't work, and we don't even need to assume anything about the security of ISAAC to prove that. A simple counting argument is sufficient. Basically, the internal state of the ISAAC cipher ...
Ilmari Karonen's user avatar
2 votes

Isaac nth number from run

No. ISAAC ins't the most popular random number generator /cipher system, but as far as current evidence goes, it is considered unbroken and safe for cryptographic use. This might change though when ...
Paul Uszak's user avatar
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2 votes

Key scheduling for ISAAC

The author of ISAAC notes: I provided no official seeding routine because I didn't feel competent to give one. Seeding a random number generator is essentially the same problem as encrypting the ...
Future Security's user avatar
1 vote

Maximum security strength in bits of ISAAC cipher?

ISAAC's internal state is a 256-element array of 32-bit words, and the maximum key size is 8192 bits. In theory, this means ISAAC has a maximum keyspace of 28192. It's important to remember, though, ...
forest's user avatar
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