
May I ask that does FHE supports modulus operation? That is, given $a$ in clear and $\mathtt{enc}(n)$, can I produce $\mathtt{enc}(a \bmod n)$?

I know that in theory it should be possible, since it supports NAND gate, then it should support any computation.

But for practice, does it support this mod operation?

  • $\begingroup$ Do you mean $a$ is in clear and $n$ is encrypted, so you want to map $(a, \mathtt{enc}(n))$ to $\mathtt{enc}(a \bmod n)$? $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 22 at 12:17
  • $\begingroup$ Yes! n is encrypted $\endgroup$
    – js wang
    Commented Oct 23 at 17:06

1 Answer 1


In practice this should be hard. Most methods I know of computing $a\bmod n$ are very similar to computing division $a/n$. Homomorphically computing division is hard, and last I checked there aren't any practically great methods.

It's possible that

  1. if you only have to do this once in a computation, or
  2. if $n$ is very small (think $\log n < 8$)

that you could get things to work practically. But if you're wondering if this is generally a "cheap" operation, I suspect the answer is no.


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