In standard symmetric encryption, we can create an encryption scheme, in which two plaintexts $x_1, x_2$ map to the same ciphertext $y$, by choosing appropriate keys $k_1,k_2$ (!). The most simple example is the one-time pad: For any plaintext $x$ and any ciphertext $y$, we can choose a one-time pad key $k$ such that $E(x,k)=y$. Therefore,
(*) we can for any $x_1,x_2$ choose two one-time pad keys $k_1,k_2$ such that $E(x_1,k_1)=E(x_2,k_2)$.
(Note, I'm not claiming that finding $k_1,k_2$ is computationally tractable!)
This in itself is not interesting, but now consider fully homomorphic encryption.
In a fully homomorphic encryption scheme, we have a plaintext $x$ and key $k$, and an encrpytion function $E(x,k)=y$, but where it is now possible for an (untrusted) party for a given arbitrary computation $f$, to do computations $\tilde f$ on ciphertext $y$ without knowing the plaintext $x$, such that by decrypting $\tilde f(y)$, we get $f(x)$.
I am wondering, whether there is a similar result as (*) for fully homomorphic encryption. That is, does there exist some fully homomorphic encryption scheme that has the following property:
given two plaintexts $x_1,x_2$, there exists two keys $k_1,k_2$, such that $E(x_1,k_1)=E(x_2,k_2)=y$, and where this encryption is fully homomorphic, i.e. we can do any arbitrary computation $f$ (actually I only care about invertible computations) on $y$, and then decrypt this such that $D(f(y),k_1)=f(x_1)$ and $D(f(y),k_2)=f(x_2)$.
I am not claiming that this is practically useful in any way.
It is ok if actually finding these keys $k_1,k_2$ is computationally intractable.
I am interested in this for theoretical purposes only.
EDIT: random (and based-on-nothing) thought: If such an encryption scheme exists, then P=NP?
EDIT2: Here is an informal argument for why it shouldn't be possible:
a fully homomorphic scheme can by definition compute any computable function $f$. so it should also be able to compute a famliy of functions $f(x,n)$ where $x$ is the plaintext, and $f$ has EXPTIME complexity w.r.t. $n\in \mathbb N$.
Denote by $T(f(x,n))$ the amount of computational steps required to compute $f(x,n)$, and by $T(key)$ the amount of steps to find the right key $k$ for $x$ such that $Enc(x,k)=y$.
Then if we want to compute $T(f(x_i,n))$ "directly" for a set $X=\{x_i\}$, then it will take $T(f(x_i,n))\cdot |X|$ steps (simply the time required to compute an instance, multiplied by the amount of instances).
But if we want to compute it by using homomorphic encryption, then it will take $T(f(x_i,n)) + T(key)\cdot |X|$.
Therefore, as we increase $n$, the computation time of the first method (direct computation) increases faster by a factor of $|X|$. We, therefore, get "free computation" in the fully homomorphic case.
Therefore, no matter what the computational complexity is of computing the keys for the $x_i$'s, there always exists a $n$ such that computing it with the fully homomorphic method is more efficient.
This conclusion does not seem to follow the "laws of computer science", (though I haven't proved it's impossible), because it seems like a general-purpose method of improving the efficiency of such problems.