OK It's cringe time (or hopefully not)
I know this is probably a variation of an old and dragged out question or so you may think but let me ask away and hopefully get some insight.
Google a while ago famously changed from AES to RC4 because of BEAST.
RC4 however, is riddled with all kinds of leaks and problems that are well studied. RC4 can reveal a lot of information to somebody who does not know the key. In theory this can be done. In practice this has been done. WEP being the example that springs to mind strongly.
If we use the same 128 bit key to form some kind of AES (block cipher) encryption. In any mode whatsoever, whether that's ECB or more advisably CBC, CFB or whichever (you get the idea). Then we also run the same data through the RC4 (stream cipher) algorithm: do we have a distinctly stronger, much harder to break cipher-text in effect?
It then goes without saying to decrypt, we just decrypt with RC4 then AES.
Would we solve any weakness issues this way? Or is this just a waste of computing time? Any thoughts really appreciated.