
I've encountered some code that I'm reviewing that is misusing RSA_public_decrypt to "authenticate" a variable-length response without using any hash. The code assumes that a successful decryption means that the given data buffer was generated by the server and processes it without any additional checks.

I believe that this is unsafe, even though the code is using the RSA_PKCS1_PADDING mode. Is there a reference to a set of attacks on misuse of RSA in this way?

For additional context, this code is using a 2048-bit key with e=3.

  • $\begingroup$ In OpenSSL, the code for RSA_public_decrypt performs checks then vectors to something configuration-dependent. Do you happen to know what? $\endgroup$
    – fgrieu
    Commented Nov 12, 2019 at 12:58
  • $\begingroup$ This code parses the output from RSA_public_decrypt as ini-style text with minimal checking. For example, "a=b\nc=d". $\endgroup$
    – slipheed
    Commented Nov 12, 2019 at 12:59
  • $\begingroup$ That's what the code calling RSA_public_decrypt does, I guess. I was asking for what RSA_public_decrypt does internally. That depends on configuration; that could be some OpenSSL default routine (that I fail to locate right now), or a wrapper to an HSM, smart card, OS-dependent library (common in Windows..) which will do the actual job. $\endgroup$
    – fgrieu
    Commented Nov 12, 2019 at 13:15
  • $\begingroup$ Oh - in this case it's just using a hard-coded (known to the public) public-key with length 2048 and e=3, created via RSA_set0_key. $\endgroup$
    – slipheed
    Commented Nov 12, 2019 at 13:26
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ IF garbage can be added to the end of your signed data -- either because it's terminated by e.g. null or some formatting causes it to be ignored e.g. instead of name=value just =value might do nothing, and for e small, see crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/52891/… (although that's focussed on the case that does use ASN1(H(m)) and an ASN1 decoder that ignores trailing garbage) @fgrieu: the default (non-engine) methods are in rsa_eay.c and for PKCS1 padding they use rsa_pk1.c . $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 13, 2019 at 5:19

1 Answer 1


In OpenSSL 1.0.2 (and former) at least, based on its documentation and code of an implementation, the big picture is that RSA_public_decrypt with RSA_PKCS1_PADDING applies the RSA public-key transformation $S\mapsto S^e\bmod N$ where $S$ is the alleged signature, then checks that the outcome (considered as a big-endian bytestring of the same size as $N$) is of the following form $$\mathtt{00}\mathbin\|\mathtt{01}\mathbin\|\underbrace{\mathtt{FF}\ldots\mathtt{FF}}_{\ge8\text{ bytes}}\mathbin\|\mathtt{00}\mathbin\|D$$ and in the affirmative returns the bytestring $D$, and its length.

However, implementation is configuration dependent. Sticking to openssl-1.0.2t, RSA_public_decrypt of rsa_crpt.c can vector to a number of things, including RSA_eay_public_decrypt of rsa_eay.c with padding checks in RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_1 of rsa_pk1.c, but also to various other engines for HSM, Smart Card, OS-dependent service (like CryptoAPI on Windows). Thus exactly what it does is quite configuration-dependent. In particular:

  • Implementations should check that $S<N$, and the aforementioned version of RSA_eay_public_decrypt does, but some implementations do not. The main cryptographic significance is that, if this check is not performed, it is possible to transform a rightful signature $S$ into into another accepted one $S'=S+jN$ (depending on if there is a length check for $S$, that could be for all or a fraction of rightful $S$). In the context of the question where the easiest forgeries $S$ are much smaller than $N$, $S+N$ would typically have the right size, and would look less regular (thus suspicious) to the naked eye.
  • Implementations often accept that the leading $\mathtt{00}$ is absent, and the aforementioned RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_1 does. There might be some even more lenient checks in other implementations. Either would give more freedom in the following attack.

code (..) is misusing RSA_public_decrypt to "authenticate" a variable-length response without using any hash. The code assumes that a successful decryption means that the given data buffer was generated by the server and processes it without any additional checks.
(..) 2048-bit key with $e=3$.

With these parameters, it's indeed possible to forge the signature for a number of $D$. In particular, it is enough that $\mathtt{00}\mathbin\|\mathtt{01}\mathbin\|\mathtt{FF}\ldots\mathtt{FF}\mathbin\|\mathtt{00}\mathbin\|D$ is a $e^\text{th}$ power. If the key is $k$-bit, and $\tilde k=8\lceil k/8\rceil$, it is enough that $D$ is the low-order $\tilde k/8-11$ bytes of $S^e$ with $S$ the signature in the integer range $$\Biggl[\;\biggl\lceil\sqrt[e]{2^{\tilde k-15}-2^{\tilde k-80}}\;\biggr\rceil\;,\ \biggl\lfloor\sqrt[e]{2^{\tilde k-15}-2^{\tilde k-80}+2^{\tilde k-88}-1}\biggr\rfloor\;\Biggr]$$

For small enough $e$, this interval in non-empty, and it is possible to obtain $D$ with some of its left bits at a chosen value, by putting the others at zero and computing $S$ as $\biggl\lceil\sqrt[e]{2^{\tilde k-15}-2^{\tilde k-80}+D}\;\biggr\rceil$. More (smaller, possibly empty) intervals are possible for shorter $D$.

Here $k=\tilde k=2048$, $e=3$, that interval contains over $>2^{603}$ signatures $S$, and there are as many 245-byte $D$. One such signature $S$ is


with $S^3$ equal to


thus this $S$ is acceptable (regardless of the value of the public key) by most RSA_public_decrypt, and produces a 245-byte $D$ of


which, when interpreted as a C string in ASCII or UTF-8, is the string

we can forge a signature out of nowhere

The LLL algorithm may allow further forgeries, I'm not a specialist of that.


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