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Questions tagged [adversarial-model]

An adversary model formally defines the power of the adversary. It includes specifics whether the adversary is deterministic/randomized, uniform/non-uniform, interactive/non-interactive and how he interacts with the security game.

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1 answer

What is the size of an adversary?

I was reading a SMPC paper, and it writes that "non-uniform adversary A of size $\text{poly}(λ)$". What is the size of adversary in secure multiparty computation, and where can I find some ...
Xeno's user avatar
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Proving statistically $\epsilon$-indistinguishable scheme is also $\epsilon$-adversarial indistinguishable

We say that $(\operatorname{Gen}, \operatorname{Enc}, \operatorname{Dec})$ with message and ciphertext spaces $\mathcal{M}$ and $\mathcal{C}$ is a statistically $\epsilon$-indistinguishable secure SKE ...
noahdarvich's user avatar
2 votes
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PFS and PCS Game

Where can I find a formal security definition for Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) and Post-Compromise Security (PCS) that includes a cryptographic game model and a challenge-response structure, ...
l_a's user avatar
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An upper bound for advantage related to differential privacy

My previous question define a security game, advantage $\mathsf{Adv}$ and two probability distributions $P_{m_0}$ and $P_{m_1}$, representing $Enc_k(m_0)$ and $Enc_k(m_1)$ separately. There, my main ...
EddyLiu's user avatar
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An upper bound for advantage in a security game

Suppose I have defined a security game in a private-key (symmetric) encryption scheme. Remark: Note that encryption algorithm is probabilistic, so for a specific message m, $Enc_k(m)$ might output a ...
EddyLiu's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Understanding Adversary's Advantage for Target Key Recovery in Ideal Cipher Model

In the ideal cipher model, a block cipher is modeled by a different, independent random permutation for every key. Let $$ \mathcal{A}_{q}^{\text{IC-EKS}} $$ be a ( q )-query exhaustive key-search ...
CrypticPotato's user avatar
4 votes
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Certificateless public key cryptography

In the Wikipedia article on Certificateless Public Key Cryptography, it states, "For tight security, a certificateless system has to ...
Rabindra Moirangthem's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Reduction from factoring to RSA and the Oracle RSA problem

Recently I read some papers related to RSA Brown16,AM09,BNPS01 and I learned that there is a variant problem of RSA is The oracle RSA problem (or one more RSA Problem) is $m+1$ copies of the classic ...
constantine's user avatar
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Signature forgery in different adversarial settings

I'm currently studying the different adversarial settings for digital signatures. In Goldwasser, Micali and Rivests paper they propose three different chosen message attack settings, which are vastly ...
limeeattack's user avatar
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Replacing the Hash function with messages in the BLS signature scheme, the security degenerates from EUF to SUF?

I have been thinking about this question: if I directly replace the hash function with the message in the BLS signature, does the security of the BLS degenerate from existential unforgeability(EUF) to ...
X.H. Yue's user avatar
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Confirming understanding of security protocol modelled in Scyther

In university, I'm currently learning how to use Scyther to model security protocols. Currently I am trying to understand what is happening in an example protocol given to me which is: ...
hasin's user avatar
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Automated Security Protocol tool that models algebraic operations

Are there any automated security protocol verification tools that model algebraic operations; specifically addition. I am familiar with AVISPA and Verifpal, and they are both great and user-friendly ...
Mona's user avatar
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Breaking CDH also breaks DHI

I am trying to show that by breaking the Computational Diffie-Hellmann (CDH) assumption one also breaks the Diffie-Hellmann inverse assumption. Unfortunately, I am a bit stuck and do not know where to ...
Rory's user avatar
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Why is a protocol that is secure in the presence of a malicious adversary also secure in the presence of an augmented semi-honest adversary?

Proposition Let π be a protocol that securely computes a functionality f in the presence of malicious adversaries. Then π securely computes f in the presence of augmented semi-honest adversaries. ...
Peng Nie's user avatar
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What is the relationship between "Challenger" and "Oracle" in a security proof?

In game-based security proof, I found that games are defiend to be played between a PPT adversary and a challenger. The adversary is able to issue queries to different oracles and receives ...
Chandler's user avatar
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What does the bounded storage model mean?

In the bounded storage model, it assumes the storage of the adversary is bounded or limited, and thus it is possible that we can achieve a kind of cryptography without relying on hardness assumption. ...
Eric_Qin's user avatar
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Is there any good attack model of HMAC?

Are there any good attack models of HMAC? Like how it can be attacked? If there are any possible attacks of HMAC I would be happy to know about it.
malik bilal's user avatar
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Superscript vs subscript notation in cryptographic formulation

I'm currently reading this paper [PDF]. On page 4, I bumped into these notations : \begin{equation} \text { Experiment } \operatorname{Exp}_{\mathcal{F} \mathcal{E}, A}^{\text {ind-mode }}(k) \text { :...
tur11ng's user avatar
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1 answer

Are semi-honest adversaries specific for MPC?

I know that in multiparty computation we may consider semi-honest or malicious adversaries. I can find papers that consider malicious adversaries, but the semi-honest term is only mentioned in MPC ...
giga giga's user avatar
4 votes
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Secret sharing such that all shareholders obtain access to the secret (one shareholder can't just run off with the shares)

Say, using something like Shamir's polynomial scheme, you split a secret $x$ among $n$ people (each given a "share" of the secret) such that you need all $n$ shares to recover the secret. ...
chausies's user avatar
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Difference between Generic Group Models

I'm trying to understand the difference between the (classical) Generic Group Model as it is described by Shoup [Shoup] and the somewhat restricted Generic Group Model as it is described by Schnorr ...
einsteinwein's user avatar
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RSA public key identification

Consider a multi party system where public keys of all receivers are known. Server wants to send message to one of them using (textbook?) RSA. Adversary is given ciphertext and even Message to be send,...
Sam's user avatar
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Impossibility of recovering the key of a keyed pseudorandom permutation

I'm currently working on some cryptography homework, but I'm stuck on this particular question. Let $F$ be a pseudorandom permutation with identical key length and block length (both equal to the ...
Peiffap's user avatar
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1 answer

What is universal composability guaranteeing, specifically? Where does it apply, and where does it not?

I don't have a proper computer science education, so bear with my misunderstandings. UC is supposed to "guarantee strong security properties". From what I stand, if you have some secure ...
Expectator's user avatar
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What is the advantage of adversary if the random number repeats?

In proof of CPA-security of encryption scheme $(r, F_k(r)\oplus m )$ where: $F_k$ is a keyed function $r\in_R\{0,1\}^n$ is a random number, on page 85 of Introduction to modern cryptography we have ...
Doralisa's user avatar
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Formal proof that the following definitions of perfect secrecy are equivalent

I've seen the following two definitions of perfect secrecy for an encryption scheme (Gen, Enc, Dec). ...
NJay's user avatar
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Extended Canetti-Krawczyk - Clean Session Definition

In the extended Canetti-Krawczyk (eCK) model [1] the adversary $\mathcal{M}$ is allowed to make a sequence of queries, eventually performs a $Test(sid)$ query, receives a value $C$ and at some point ...
DobTheBard's user avatar
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Is there any examples of information-theoretic secure MPC for dishonest majority against malicious adversary?

My research is to propose highly secure MPC protocol with some conditions. Especially, I want to consider that security against malicious (active) adversary dishonest majority setting information-...
shoy700's user avatar
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Proof by reduction for for digital signature scheme $S_2((sk_0,sk_1), m):=(S(sk_0,m), S(sk_1,m))$

Let $(Gen,S,V)$ be a secure signature scheme (existentially unforgeable under a chosen message attack) with message space${\{0,1\}}^n$. Generate two signing/verification key ...
mike's user avatar
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Differential Privacy: What is the 'game' between data holder and adversary?

I have been reading the Differential Privacy (DP) literature for some time to get familiar with it. I feel comfortable with the Math and Stats foundations of it, but I am suffering a bit from the '...
independentvariable's user avatar
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Model a dishonest majority controlled by several adversaries in a voting protocol?

In the context of secure multi-party computation protocols, when a dishonest majority is considered, it is assumed the worst case scenario, i.e., all the corrupted parties are controlled by the same ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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2 answers

How can an adversary request decryption of an unused sector?

The Wikipedia article on Disk Encryption Theory mentions this a powerful adversary can modify an unused sector on the disk and then request its decryption. I understand that an adversary is ...
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What does it mean that a semi-honest adversary can look at the internal state of a controlled party?

I have a doubt regarding the definition of (static) semi-honest adversaries. In this tutorial I read: Such an adversary controls one of the parties (statically, and so at the onset of the ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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What does it mean exactly that an adversary can control a polynomial number of parties?

I have an intuitive idea of this, but I am not sure if I am formally interpreting it correctly. In the scenario I am considering, each party is identified by a sequence of $n$ bits and I have $2^{n}$ ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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Computational binding implies Perfect hiding?

Given a commitment scheme which is computationally binding (based on some conjectured hard problem, say), does it also imply that the scheme is unconditionally hiding? My idea was: Since the scheme ...
user2505282's user avatar
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Adversary model for malicious but selfish adversaries?

Covert adversaries have the property that they may deviate arbitrarily from the protocol specification in an attempt to cheat, but do not wish to be caught doing so. Does this model includes also the ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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2 answers

Things already known to adversary before planning an attack

This is a very basic and practical question. Since I started reading cryptography recently, these things keep bugging me. What are the things that an adversary is usually aware of before planning an ...
user8499104's user avatar
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How does one ensure that a handshake protocol is secure assuming all underlying cryptography used are secure

Suppose one have to design handshake protocol using known secure cryptographic algorithm. The designer of implementer can assume that crypotography is secure but how would they ensure protocol itself ...
RealTimeEngineer91's user avatar
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IND-CPA security of mode of operation using triple AES with plaintext || IV+counter

I have found this figure of a mode of operation using a triple AES with m||IV+ctr input: I suppose it's a custom mode of operation since I haven't seen it anywhere else. My question is if it is IND-...
Giannis Pappas's user avatar
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Attacks on code misusing RSA_public_decrypt

I've encountered some code that I'm reviewing that is misusing RSA_public_decrypt to "authenticate" a variable-length response without using any hash. The code ...
slipheed's user avatar
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What does non-collusion assumption mean in server-aided protocol based on secret sharing?

Suppose $m$ clients split their own input into $n$ shares using additive secret sharing scheme (mod something). Then, each of the clients sends each share to each of $n$ external servers. After ...
mallea's user avatar
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AES Threat Model

I've read/skimmed a few documents about the AES family of encryption, but haven't seen anything about what exactly it protects against. There are many ways to "encrypt" things, and not all of them ...
Erhannis's user avatar
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RSA-FDH Signature Scheme EUF-CMA

I am aware of attacks whereby an attacker is able to forge a message IF the hash of the original message is the same hash as their current message. The question is, is it still possible for RSA-FDH to ...
Yusuf Mohamedillahy's user avatar
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Ensuring correctness property in multi-party protocols

Can you suggest mechanisms to ensure the correctness of the protocol output, against Active Adversaries in multi-party protocols. Specifically for a dishonest majority setting? I would like to have ...
Ananya Shrivastava's user avatar
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Is the simulation-based proof difficult and needed? [closed]

What is the role for simulation-based proof under the semi-honest model without considering malicious adversaries? I agree with that a view of a some party is important to prove that a protocol is ...
mallea's user avatar
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How to build a security model

What are the minimal components to build a security model proof for a protocol? This question might seem trivial, but having read many papers-- from the IEEE, ACM, etc., that talk about a KMP-- I ...
CipherX's user avatar
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Homomorphic & Functional encryption: Mapping unencrypted outputs to encrypted outputs using existing data

Let's assume I have datapiece A which, after being put through a model or neural network, has a known output X in the unencrypted space. When I move datapiece A into an encrypted space, and put it ...
nick carraway's user avatar
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Comparing stronger vs. weaker assumptions

If I have to argue that an assumption A is stronger than B, should I argue this way:- An adversary breaking the security of A does not translate to breaking the security of B. But, if an adversary ...
Cinderella's user avatar
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The differences between the attackers in the definitions of IND-ATK and NM-ATK

I read the definitions of IND-ATK and NM-ATK in a paper. Let $\Pi = \left( Gen, Enc, Dec \right)$ be a public key scheme. And let $A = \left( A_{1}, A_{2} \right)$ be an adversary attacking $\Pi$ in ...
Blanco's user avatar
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How do adversary models and security types relate [from InfoSec SE]

I have been told to move the question to this forum in order to get a better insight, so here we go: Reading some questions in this forum I encountered this answer mentioning IND-CPA as a requirement ...
Alvai's user avatar
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