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Reduction from factoring to RSA and the Oracle RSA problem

Recently I read some papers related to RSA Brown16,AM09,BNPS01 and I learned that there is a variant problem of RSA is The oracle RSA problem (or one more RSA Problem) is $m+1$ copies of the classic ...
constantine's user avatar
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RSA public key identification

Consider a multi party system where public keys of all receivers are known. Server wants to send message to one of them using (textbook?) RSA. Adversary is given ciphertext and even Message to be send,...
Sam's user avatar
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Attacks on code misusing RSA_public_decrypt

I've encountered some code that I'm reviewing that is misusing RSA_public_decrypt to "authenticate" a variable-length response without using any hash. The code ...
slipheed's user avatar
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RSA-FDH Signature Scheme EUF-CMA

I am aware of attacks whereby an attacker is able to forge a message IF the hash of the original message is the same hash as their current message. The question is, is it still possible for RSA-FDH to ...
Yusuf Mohamedillahy's user avatar