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2 votes
2 answers

How much data can we encrypt using AES 256 before changing the key?

Although this question has been answered in this link (After How Much Data Encryption (AES-256) we should change key?), I am not satisfied with the answers because the Recommendation for Block Cipher ...
user48217's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Reusing IV in AES for encrypting file

Everyone says that you shouldn't use the same IV and Key. Is it safe to use the same IV and Key on only one file. EDIT: I will be using CBC or CFB encryption modes so the IV will be updated based on ...
Alex O'Connor's user avatar
1 vote
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How can we encrypt a file to be just readable (and not writable) after decryption?

Is it possible to encrypt a file (e.g., a text document) such that when a user decrypts it, he/she be able to just read the file and not be able to change the content of the file? I mean, the result ...
star's user avatar
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8 votes
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Hash decrypts key, key decrypts cipher... why?

I noticed recently that a couple of pieces of encryption software (TrueCrypt being one of them) don't directly use a hash of the password as the key for the block cipher. Instead, they generate a ...
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