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Questions tagged [matrix-multiplication]

Matrix multiplication indicates a row-by-column multiplication, where the entries in the Xth row of A are multiplied by the corresponding entries in the Yth column of B and then adding the results.

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Hill Cipher question

Recently, I was given three ciphers to crack for my cryptography class. At this point, I have guessed that one of them is likely a Hill cipher (probably 3x3, as that is the most complex we have done ...
user17103's user avatar
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Constructing of 16x16 Involutory Binary Matrices of Branch Number 7

In the PDF “Algebraic Construction of 16×16 Binary Matrices of Branch Number 7 with One Fixed Point”, it was given that: ...
venkatesh's user avatar
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Hill cipher cryptanalysis - known plaintext known key size

Hello I want to know how to go about this problem I know the plaintext "abcdef" and the ciphertext. The key size is 2. I really can't figure out how to find the key for decrypting and encrypting.
cryptonoob123's user avatar
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hill cipher encryption way 1x3 plaintext matrix

Can someone help me with a Hill cipher? When do I have to use: 1x3 plain text matrix (p1, p2, p3) * 3x3 key matrix 3x3 key matrix * 3x1 plain text matrix Or they are both correct? I tried to ...
reem20's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Matrix key exchange

Given is a square matrix $M$ over a field $F$, we have a key exchange with the following conditions: Person $X$ sends a message to Person $Y$: $C_{1}=AM$, where $A$ is a randomly chosen square matrix....
CryptoBeginner's user avatar
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A substitution based on a matrix vector product

I choose at random an invertible square matrix A of size 128 in GF(2). I want to use this matrix as a substitution box. Is this a non linear transformation ? I've seen that substitution boxes are ...
Dingo13's user avatar
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What happen if a asymmetric crypto-system deals with only one key

Assume there is a crypto algorithm that deals with matrices to encrypt and decrypt. Regardless of the specification of such algorithm, what if the algorithm assumes that two parties can securely agree ...
boFatom's user avatar
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How to multiply a matrix of bits with another?

For example, assume I have two 4x4 matrices of bits: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 I want to apply ...
goldroger's user avatar
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