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Best/simplest method to protect files loaded by html webpage [closed]

Assuming one wanted to load a .html webpage on a server, and make it readable from the internet, via web browser, to a limited number of people. The .html page "reads" some data from a .csv ...
Statlearner's user avatar
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Is there still a place for obfuscation (secret algorithms) in encryption?

As far as I know, the Second World War was won on codes that used obfuscation, not open source. These were also used during the cold war. For general use (not large companies with hundreds of ...
Zonnkq Shad's user avatar
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Combining decryption function with transformation in a way that can't be reversed

I have a program implementing a function $f$, and want to find a pair of functions $e$ and $h$ such that $h \circ e = f$, but $e^{-1}$ cannot be recovered from $h$. In other words, given some $e$-...
James's user avatar
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Are there servers that are oblivious to their own output?

Suppose there are $n$ parties with public keys $pk_1,...,pk_n$. Is it possible that a server S constructs an algorithm $A$ so that for some public random nonce $r$ given as input, S computes some &...
Doron's user avatar
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Indistinguishability obfuscation and PRFs

Consider a family of pseudorandom functions $F$, each member $f_k$ of this family is indexed by a key $k$. It is true, due to a result by Barak et al, that black box obfuscation is not possible for a ...
BlackHat18's user avatar