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Questions tagged [traffic-analysis]

Traffic analysis is the process of intercepting and examining messages in order to deduce information from patterns in communication. Within cryptography this definition is restricted to deduce information from the cryptographic properties of the messages send, for instance if a signature or ciphertext leaks information that could be of use to an attacker.

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What block cipher should I use for encrypting GCM initialization vector counter-based nonce?

I'm implementing a mobile VPN product based on AES-GCM that should be resistant against fingerprinting the movements of mobile nodes. A difficulty is that the mobile nodes may not have the best ...
juhist's user avatar
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How to protect traffic metadata from a malicious cloud provider?

What can be a theoretical and efficient way of protecting traffic metadata (packet size, timestamps, packet count) of enterprise when traffic is redirected to the SGX enclave residing in a cloud ...
ENIO MARKU's user avatar