New answers tagged dsa
ECDSA signature allowing unambiguous public key recovery, somewhat as in Ethereum
I believe I am the original author of the secp256k1 "recoverable signature" format, which ended up as (with modifications) Ethereum's signature format, though it was originally intended for ...
Calculating the Generator from signature without knowing public key on a curves where ECDLP is easy
The question (case 1, or/and version 4 as clarified by this comment) boils down to: we know the curve, $r$, $s$, $h$, $r_2$, $s_2$, $h_2$, $m$, $j$, and prime $n$, with
$$(r,r_y)=k\times G\tag1\label{...
Is it possible to uses large partial private key exposure to recover the ecdsa nonce?
I assume the public key is available (as public implies). If it was not, it's easy to recover within 1 bit from one (message, signature) pair using the ECDSA Public Key Recovery Operation; and it's ...
Large nonce leakage with single signature but not severe enough for being able to use Pollard kangaroo
This depends on precisely what information is leaked. Without further context, I assume that I have a single ECDSA signature $(r,s)$ associated with the usual base point $G$ and some public key point $...
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secp256k1 × 19
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