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2 votes

ECDSA signature allowing unambiguous public key recovery, somewhat as in Ethereum

I believe I am the original author of the secp256k1 "recoverable signature" format, which ended up as (with modifications) Ethereum's signature format, though it was originally intended for ...
Pieter Wuille's user avatar
1 vote

Calculating the Generator from signature without knowing public key on a curves where ECDLP is easy

The question (case 1, or/and version 4 as clarified by this comment) boils down to: we know the curve, $r$, $s$, $h$, $r_2$, $s_2$, $h_2$, $m$, $j$, and prime $n$, with $$(r,r_y)=k\times G\tag1\label{...
fgrieu's user avatar
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0 votes

Is it possible to uses large partial private key exposure to recover the ecdsa nonce?

I assume the public key is available (as public implies). If it was not, it's easy to recover within 1 bit from one (message, signature) pair using the ECDSA Public Key Recovery Operation; and it's ...
fgrieu's user avatar
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1 vote

Large nonce leakage with single signature but not severe enough for being able to use Pollard kangaroo

This depends on precisely what information is leaked. Without further context, I assume that I have a single ECDSA signature $(r,s)$ associated with the usual base point $G$ and some public key point $...
Daniel S's user avatar
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