New answers tagged public-key
Understanding Practical Differences Between ElGamal and Diffie-Hellman
in ElGamal you use an additional variable K which is different for each message. you don't run the algorithm from scratch again for every new message.
Is it possible to uses large partial private key exposure to recover the ecdsa nonce?
I assume the public key is available (as public implies). If it was not, it's easy to recover within 1 bit from one (message, signature) pair using the ECDSA Public Key Recovery Operation; and it's ...
Is it possible to add arbitrary amounts of quantum resistance cheaply?
No, for the reasons indicated in the other answer to this question.
But I want to point out a partial stopgap measure when it comes to signature: using Schnorr groups with large parameter $p$ (e.g. ...
Is it possible to add arbitrary amounts of quantum resistance cheaply?
There is no way to do this.
Under Shor's attack the Discrete Logarithm in a group of size $2^n$ has quantum complexity $\mathrm{poly}(n).$
If we consider extending the bitlength by $n^c$ bits as $O(n^...
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public-key × 2358rsa × 632
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diffie-hellman × 130
symmetric × 127
keys × 115
cryptanalysis × 107
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certificates × 64
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