New answers tagged zero-knowledge-proofs
Soundness and honest-verifier zero-knowledge implies EUF-CMA using Fiat-Shamir?
I want to answer my own question here. Indeed, all claims regarding the security aspects in the above papers are correct; however, the formulation of Theorem 5 in this paper is not ideally chosen. ...
Can Zero-Knowledge proofs leak information that does not break simulatability?
The definition of zero-knowledge is that a for every possible verifier, there exists a simulator (without the witness) should be able to produce a simulated transcript from the viewpoint of this ...
Zero Knowledge Proof: Prove correct ElGamal encryption without leaking message
So, to summarize the question: you want a zero-knowledge proof that an ElGamal ciphertext encrypts a specific plaintext $M$, but you don't want the proof to reveal (any information about) the ...
Zero-knowledge proof of knowledge of RSA decryption exponent
Your proposed protocol is, in fact, not zero-knowledge. For example, it can be used by an attacker as an RSA decryption oracle.
Now, with public $e$, the knowledge of $d$ and the knowledge of the ...
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