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A public-key cryptosystem invented by Pascal Paillier in 1999.

4 votes

Efficient multiplication modulo a square

Contrary to what fgrieu said, I believe we can do a bit better for the case of multiplication modulo $n^2$. If we represent our values in the form $an+b$, $cn+d$ (where $0 \le a, b, c, d < n$), then w …
poncho's user avatar
  • 151k
1 vote

How to proof Two CipherTexts holding same value with Zero Knowledge Proof?

I wonder is it possible create by Zero Knowledge Proof to prove Two cipherTexts which are encrypted by same Public Key with Paillier Encryption has the same value inside but without decrypting the texts …
poncho's user avatar
  • 151k
1 vote

How to prove that paillier encryption is positive (zero-knowledge)?

Is it possible that the plaintext encrypted in a ciphertext using paillier encryption is positive without using a zero knowledge range proof? … If you are asking whether it is possible to test whether a Paillier-encrypted value is positive without the cooperation of the holder of the private key, well, we hope not. …
poncho's user avatar
  • 151k
1 vote

Paillier cryptosystem safety

You'd be fine - with Paillier, the attacker cannot retrieve any information from the ciphertext (assuming that the private key and the random values used during the encryption process is secure); even …
poncho's user avatar
  • 151k
1 vote

random mask reversible after homomorphic encryption

It is certainly possible with Paillier. Here is one way: The (op) will be multiplication modulo $n$ the Paillier modulus (which is in the public key). … for values not relatively prime to $n$) We ask the encryptor to take $Am$ to compute $E(Am)$ To unmask, we compute $rinv = r^{-1} \bmod n$, and then homomorphically compute $E(rinv \cdot Am)$; this Paillier
kelalaka's user avatar
  • 49.5k
2 votes

Security of Paillier against chosen ciphertext attack

Is it yet proofed that Paillier is secure against chosen-ciphertext attack. The original Paillier paper mentions that it is not. …
poncho's user avatar
  • 151k
6 votes

Paillier scheme and noise growth

Does the problem of noise growth exist in the Paillier homomorphic scheme ? No, it does not. … Unlike Lattice-based schemes, you can do as many homomorphic additions as you want in Paillier (without doing anything like a "reboot"), and it's never a problem. …
poncho's user avatar
  • 151k
4 votes

Do any probabilistic hashing algorithms have additive homomorphism?

The outputs must exhibit additive homomorphism such that some operation on $f(a)$ and $f(b)$ will equal $f(a+b)$. Because $f$ is mandated to be nondeterministic, I assume that the requirement be …
poncho's user avatar
  • 151k
9 votes

Advantages of Paillier vs Goldwasser-Micali

They're both additively homomorphic, but over different groups. With Goldwasser-Micali, you can, given $E(x)$ and $E(y)$, compute $E(x \oplus y)$ (where $\oplus$ is exclusive or) With Pallier, you c …
poncho's user avatar
  • 151k
1 vote

Paillier Complex Residuosity problem?

What is so difficult about this if $z=y^n\ mod\ n^2$ We don't know of an efficient way of solving it. That's essentially what we can say about just about any hard problem in cryptography. …
poncho's user avatar
  • 151k
3 votes

Can Paillier ,RSA or any other schemes be used for universal re-encryption like elGamal?

With Paillier, it's easy; generate a random encryption of 0 ($r^n \bmod n^2$ for random $r$ r.p to $n$), and then homomorphically add it to the encryption (that is, $C2 = C1 \cdot r^n \bmod n^2$), and …
poncho's user avatar
  • 151k
6 votes

Comparison of values in Paillier homomorphic encryption

Can [comparison] be done using homomorphic encryption? Not without interaction with the person with the private key. Suppose there was a possible way; given $E_k(a)$ and $E_k(b)$, one could dete …
poncho's user avatar
  • 151k
15 votes

In which public key encryption algorithms are the private and public key not reversible?

Are there other public key systems that do not have this property? A more cogent question might be "are there any public key systems other than RSA that does have this property?" In particular, …
poncho's user avatar
  • 151k
5 votes

Prove that some Cyphertext C encrypts some plaintext D

Assuming that $D$ is the correct decryption, we have $$C = g^D r^n \pmod{n^2}$$ for some value $r$. Someone with the private key can easily recover $r$; hence they can just display it (and you can …
poncho's user avatar
  • 151k
1 vote

Bijective encryption function in Paillier cryptoststem

How can I modify the scheme so to make the correspondence between ciphertexts and plaintexts a one to one correspondece? You do realize that this would make encryption insecure, don't you? After …
poncho's user avatar
  • 151k

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