What does "export grade" cryptography mean? And how is this related to the Logjam attack?
"Export grade" cryptography is a result of The Crypto Wars. Laws were passed in the United States that resulted in the crippling of encryption software that was distributed outside of the United ...
Is it possible to generate backdoored DH parameters?
A trapdoor in a discrete log group was first suggested in 1992 by Daniel M. Gordon[1] in response to the recently proposal by NIST for the Digital Signature Standard (among hundreds of other responses[...
What is the actual result of a Logjam's DH attack?
Simple description of Logjam
Logjam is a two-step process. First, you take a group and apply a precomputation to it. Most people use one of a few different groups, so breaking a single group ...
At what modulus size does the logjam reduction stage become impractical?
It is hard to put concrete costs to these steps at this scale, and the parameters can be tweaked to make the precomputation more expensive to render the individual log cheaper, but we can try to do it ...
What does "export grade" cryptography mean? And how is this related to the Logjam attack?
I do a research in Logjam attack and I need a help in learning some terms that are new for me. what does "export grade" cryptography mean? and how this related to Logjam attack?
In the 90's the ...
How do I ascertain the key length of some Diffie Hellman moduli to counteract the Log Jam vulnerability?
Am I missing anything?
Actually, within the TLS protocol, the DH group used is not tied to the ciphersuite (even for ciphersuites that specify the use of DH); instead, those are negotiated separately ...
In TLS, does the client know the server's public key before starting the data exchange?
The attack, which we call Logjam, is depicted in Figure 2
and relies on a flaw in the way TLS composes DHE and
DHE_EXPORT. When a server selects ...
Avoid Logjam TLS Attack?
Downgrade attacks can be detected when the FINISHED messages are exchanged and verified. Of course, the goal of an attacker is to downgrade the security of the handshake, being able to compute the ...
What does "export grade" cryptography mean? And how is this related to the Logjam attack?
During 90's , US government had strict regulation that any software exported outside can have maximum 512 bits of RSA/DH , 40 bits of RC2/RC4 etc. These are called as export grade cipher and example ...
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logjam × 10diffie-hellman × 7
cryptanalysis × 5
discrete-logarithm × 3
tls × 2
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