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Questions tagged [gimli]

Question related to Gimli : usage, security, cryptanalysis.

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What is the inverse of this variant of the Gimli SP-box?

Consider a slightly modified variant of the Gimli SP-box: ...
lyrically wicked's user avatar
4 votes
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Are libhydrogen's Gimli permutations production ready?

I've recently had a situation in which a recommendation for an easy-to-use, hard-to-misuse cryptographic library for Java was required. The first choice was Google's Tink, since it was designed ...
MechMK1's user avatar
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Does the security proof of HMAC somehow change if it's instantiated with sponge-based hash functions with small rate and large capacity?

HMAC was introduced in [1], as a MAC that has its security proof based on the properties on the underlaying hash function. The hash functions considered in that paper were ones based on the Merkle-...
DannyNiu's user avatar
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How to fix the issue with Gimli full permutation distinguisher?

A new paper "New results on Gimli: full-permutation distinguishers and improved collisions" has been published stating a full 24-round permutation distinguisher with a cost of $2^{64}$ and ...
hardyrama's user avatar
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CSPRNG for Contract Bridge (RAND_MAX = 0xAD55E315634DDA658BF49200)

Some background information: In contract bridge, there are 0xAD55E315634DDA658BF49200 (just under 2^96) possible bridge deals. Since the 1990s, bridge deals for major tournaments were generated on ...
woefulwabbit's user avatar
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The Gimli non-linear operator

NORX replaces all the additions of the Chacha20 quarter-round function with the non-linear $x \oplus y \oplus ((x \land y) \ll 1)$ operation. Gimli supposedly improves on it with $x \oplus y \oplus ((...
Bob Semple's user avatar
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Provably secure way of expanding permutations

Gimli is a 384-bit permutation that makes use of an internal 96-bit permutation which works on columns. Every 4 rounds starting from the 1st a "small swap" is performed and every 4 rounds ...
Bob Semple's user avatar
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How strong is XooDoo vs AES?

What is Gimli, and how does XooDoo compare to symmetric ciphers such as AES or ChaCha? I am looking at this library, called charm. Interesting paper here. I also ...
Woodstock's user avatar
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How to construct a "toy" version of Gimli permutation for three (instead of twelve) 32-bit words?

I am interested to see a "toy" version of the Gimli permutation for three (instead of twelve) 32-bit words. I see that the "core" sub-permutation of Gimli operates on three 32-bit words, but I don't ...
lyrically wicked's user avatar
6 votes
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Can ChaCha20 be repurposed as a general purpose permutation function like Gimli?

I like the idea behind Gimli and libhydrogen but in my benchmarks Gimli permutation function is considerably slower than ChaCha20 one. By considerably I mean four times slower using SIMD builtins. ...
user3368561's user avatar
15 votes
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Doubt about published test vectors for gimli hash

In and there are test vectors for the gimli hash function. I have compile the reference C code test_hash.c from https://...
gammatester's user avatar
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How to build disk encryption system using forward permutations like Gimli?

First of all, this is purely a thought experiment. The width of Gimli isn't even a power of two (384 bits), and secondary storage bus speeds aren't even worth using a high performance permutation like ...
DannyNiu's user avatar
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