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djao's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
13 votes

Discrete Gaussian Sampling role in Lattice-Based Crypto?

8 votes

SIKE: choice of n

5 votes

Why are computations (isogeny) in SIDH done in an extended prime field?

4 votes

SIDH cryptosystem question

4 votes

SIDH: key agreement - why does it work?

4 votes

SIKE as Diffie-Hellman exchange

3 votes

Calculation of the order of the cosets used in defining the Tate Pairing

3 votes

Elliptic Curve Crypto, is a distributed signing method possible using Shamir's Secret Sharing?

2 votes

Post-quantum alternative to ElGamal? (public key verifiability)

2 votes

Can $y^2=x^3-x+1$ elliptic curve with $GF(3^m)$ where $m=97$ be used for Diffie Hellman key exchange?

2 votes

How to calculate the order of secp256k1?

1 vote

Boss insists on storing SHA2(p) || SHA3(p), claiming it "doubles security"

1 vote

Message mapping to elliptic curve in BLS signature

1 vote

Importance of supersingularity of elliptic curves

1 vote

Post-quantum X3DH

1 vote

MOV attack when $E(\mathbb{F}_q)$ is cyclic

1 vote

State of the art in zero knowledge proof compilers?

1 vote

Wrong Miller's Weil Pairing implementation?

0 votes

Why aren't Complex number fields used in cryptography?

0 votes

Using the same private key to generate Schnorr and BLS signatures

0 votes

Why do elliptic curves require fewer bits for the same security level?

-2 votes

Why is the vector sampled from Gaussian or Subgaussian distribution in lattice-based cryptography?

-3 votes

Ring-LWE in other fields