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Questions tagged [key-rotation]

Key rotation refers to a schedule or process for changing the key material.

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2 answers

Key Exhaustion Risks in Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptography

For the symetric keys it is recommend that the same key should not be used to encrypt large number(2^32) of cipher blocks to avoid the key-exhaustion risk. Curious to know whether the asymmetric key ...
Bhuvan's user avatar
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Apple "Find My" Key Rotation

Apple's Find My technology is described in this Wired article and explains how Apple, or other third parties, are not able to decrypt location data. It mentions how the keys are rotated every hour: ...
Jared's user avatar
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Key rotation and versioning for encryption at rest

I'm working with a dev team who are implementing encryption at rest at the application level. It's for particularly sensitive fields inside an RDB. (The underlying DB storage has an additional layer ...
meeque's user avatar
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Managing master keys used in PBKDF2 and HMAC (store, rotate)

My use case: I have few master keys, I use each for a specific operation (e.g. one for encrypting user's data and another for creating JWT signatures etc...). I use these master keys in two specific ...
Mohammed Rady's user avatar
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Is this a reasonable design for encrypting records in a key/value database?

A while back I designed a protocol for en encrypted key/value service. My main goal was to minimize the value of a breached database by using cryptographic algorithms where a brute-force cracking ...
theory's user avatar
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2 answers

key rotation AES

I`m trying to implement key rotation in my system due to policy. In my system, the encrypted data is never deleted and has no expiration date. I have encoutered 2 solutions: Generate new key, ...
Ofek's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is "key-rotation" called key-rotation?

The word "rotate" in respect to "key-rotation" has connotations of looping/repeating variable values like a rotor, but as far as I can tell there isn't a single definition available for "key-rotation" ...
kayleeFrye_onDeck's user avatar
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How do I calculate key rotation schedules?

tl;dr: How do I formulaically determine key rotation schedules for different kinds of keys and use cases? The organization I'm a part of for utilizes both symmetric and public/private key encryption ...
EllipticSwerve's user avatar
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Key rotation (or other measures) for PASETO v2 "local"

I was looking at using PASETO's v2 "local" encryption (XChaCha20-Poly1305) to implement short-lived tokens to share claims between microservices via an untrusted client. PASETO's documentation is ...
pcronin's user avatar
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1 answer

Mitigating the damage when a signing key is stolen

Let's say we have a server whose job is to sign documents using a private key. Let's say that there's a bug in the software and the private key gets stolen. I'm interested in mechanisms to mitigate ...
jyelon's user avatar
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1 answer

How rotate RSA keys and how work with old encrypted data

I am planning to use the RSA for encryption my data and I am wondering - I've generated the keys pair with some limited expiration time and I will use this private and public keys for the purpose of ...
Jenan's user avatar
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32 votes
3 answers

What's the purpose of key-rotation?

What's the purpose of key-rotation? Does it have any effect on the probability of keys being breached in the first place? Does it refer to avoiding access after a breach to all past data, all future ...
Drathier's user avatar
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Rotate values in predefined manner

I want to create a Server S1, that publish a different value every 10 minutes on the internet. The value looks something like f7826da6-4fa2-4e98-8024-bc5b71e0893e. ...
user567's user avatar
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Algorithm to rotate values in a predefined manner

I will start with an example. Some beacon like estimote Beacons use something called secure ID. The ID transmitted by the beacon change every 10 minutes autonomously without contacting the server. ...
user3235881's user avatar
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Unpredictable value rotation

I have very vey basic skills in cryptography, it's hard for me to explain clearly my problem so I will start with an example. Estimote beacons have a security function called secure UUID, once ...
user567's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Contrasting Key Rotation Requirements : Asymmetric vs. Symmetric Ciphers

I'm trying to contrast key rotation requirements for asymmetric and symmetric ciphers. In the case of symmetric ciphers, we have the results such as the so called "CBC Theorem" (stated on pg. 24 of ...
Rohit Khera's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Reversing Rotation + XOR

I have this cypher which is as follows : Take 2 numbers : A=1011 and B=1010 if the ith bit of A is 1 then shift B i times to the left. So in the end you will get ...
DollarAkshay's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How many times can a key be used for HMAC-SHA256 before it needs to be rotated?

If I wanted to use hmac for proving that a value hadn't been tampered with, how many times can I use a key before it needs to be rotated?
mr blobby's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How is key rotation defined?

I'm aware that it's advisable to rotate cryptographic keys periodically. HKDF accepts high-entropy input (IKM - Input Key Material), and expands it to an arbitrary length. It also accepts a salt, ...
hunter's user avatar
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Self-expiring symmetric keys, or: cryptography in absence of secure deletion

I can encrypt some data D using a random symmetric key K, obtaining a ciphertext C, and then encrypt K with my public key Pub and obtain H. So far so good: I can only decrypt C if I have H and my ...
vincenzoml's user avatar