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3 votes

Double ratchet algorithm

From the paper A Formal Security Analysis of the Signal Messaging Protocol [CCDGS19], there are several diagrams depicting the protocol flow, as well as accompanying analyses. Here's one such figure ...
aiootp's user avatar
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1 vote

Which hash algorithms support binary input of arbitrary bit length?

These algorithms take bit strings as input: MD4/5/6, SHA-0/1/2/3 GOST, RIPEMD, Streebog, Tiger, Whirlpool Unless NIST screwed up, all 51 first-round SHA-3 candidates, since one requirement was that ...
benrg's user avatar
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2 votes

Which hash algorithms support binary input of arbitrary bit length?

What established hash algorithms are compatible with input binary data of arbitrary bit length? Actually, most of them. All SHA-3 hashes are well defined for any finite bit string, be it 1 bit, 42 ...
poncho's user avatar
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6 votes

Which hash algorithms support binary input of arbitrary bit length?

Most common hash algorithms support arbitrary bit strings as input (up to a very large maximum length: $2^{64}-1$ bits or more). This includes MD5, SHA-1, the SHA-2 family, the SHA-3 family, etc. ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
16 votes

Which hash algorithms support binary input of arbitrary bit length?

What established hash algorithms are compatible with input binary data of arbitrary bit length? The specifications of many hash algorithms include provisions for input of binary data of length not a ...
fgrieu's user avatar
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2 votes

Which hash algorithms support binary input of arbitrary bit length?

The following general method would work: Append $0$ bits until the length of the bitstream is a multiple of 8. Call the number of bits you had to append $N$. Thus $N$ will be between $0$ and $7$. ...
Martin Kochanski's user avatar
1 vote

A solution to "force" sharing of plain text between two parties

Is there any way we can guarantee (or atleast with high probability and without incurring high communication cost between $S$ and $P$) that $S$ has to share the text flag $f$ with $P$? The most ...
poncho's user avatar
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0 votes

Is there a standard, or widely accepted convention, for magic constants in crypto software?

After reading Bernstein's BAD55 and much head-beating trying to figure this out, it hit me!: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog This message is widely circulated verbatim—an uncapitalized &...
Jack G's user avatar
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