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Identifying the given one-side AKE scheme
This is close to what is accomplished with a Key Encapsulation Mechanism or KEM in e.g. TLS / PQC. That scheme also relies on the ephemeral key pair generation at the client, the communication of the ...
what group is denoted by this?
The notation $x\in_R\mathbb Z_q^*$ (obtained as $x\in_R\mathbb Z_q^*$ in LaTex/MathJax) means that $x$ is a uniformly drawn random element of the multiplicative ...
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terminology × 358encryption × 42
hash × 35
public-key × 24
security-definition × 22
algorithm-design × 17
provable-security × 17
cryptanalysis × 16
signature × 14
reference-request × 13
rsa × 11
zero-knowledge-proofs × 11
diffie-hellman × 9
keys × 9
symmetric × 9
key-exchange × 9
aes × 8
block-cipher × 8
collision-resistance × 8
discrete-logarithm × 8
stream-cipher × 8
pseudo-random-generator × 8
notation × 8
random-number-generator × 7
authenticated-encryption × 7