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B-Con's user avatar
B-Con's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
2 votes

Could a very long password theoretically eliminate the need for a slow hash?

2 votes

Is there a way to break this encryption?

2 votes

Would it be possible to generate the original data from a SHA-512 checksum?

1 vote

Detect tampering of data

1 vote

Why is the salt used only once in PBKDF2, while the password is used often?

1 vote

Can I use PBKDF2 for authentication and decryption?

1 vote

Does it necessarily mean that an RSA moduli generated with poor randomness is not random?

1 vote

Is FIPS 140-2's "Continuous random number generator test" practical?

1 vote

Is AES a linear hash?

1 vote

Can I construct a feasible stream cipher out of HMAC and a secure hash algorithm?

1 vote

Does the SHA hash function always generate a fixed length hash?

1 vote

Can you make a hash out of a stream cipher?

1 vote

Hash decrypts key, key decrypts cipher... why?

1 vote

Initialization vector length insufficient in AES

1 vote

Multiple Hash Functions that work in either nesting

1 vote

Do these 2 KSA shortcuts weaken RC4?

0 votes

Attack XOR encryption of binary data compressed by zlib with known key length (very short key)

0 votes

Encryption with private key?

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