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Robert NACIRI's user avatar
Robert NACIRI's user avatar
Robert NACIRI's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
  • France
7 votes

Is it safe to AES-CBC and AES-CMAC both using the same key?

6 votes

What prime lengths are used for RSA?

5 votes

Solving Quadratic equations in Galois Field (2^163)

5 votes

Are factorization algorithms parallelizable?

4 votes

Find private exponent in RSA

3 votes

Factors of RSA modulus

3 votes

Finding strong primes

3 votes

Diffie-Hellman key exchange using addition instead of multiplication?

2 votes

In the Quadratic Sieve, why restrict the factor base?

2 votes

Applications of GF(p) polynomials

2 votes

Montgomery Algorithm

2 votes

Secure way to encrypt and decrypt a folder on Mac or Linux?

2 votes

How does RSA padding work exactly?

1 vote

Smart Card - Entropy during on-board public key generation

1 vote

Montgomery and Galois fields

1 vote

Modular Reduction of polynomials in GF(2^m)

1 vote

how to let other people respond to emails only decrypt-able with my private key

1 vote

Power analysis and exponentiation by squaring

1 vote

Usage of GF(p^m) fields, where p != 2

1 vote

Generation of a cyclic group of prime order

1 vote

RSA generation of private key using public key

1 vote

Simple multiplication as an encryption method

1 vote

Factoring two RSA modulus with known $|p_1 - p_2| < \ell $

1 vote

How does knowing the factorization of N help to obtain the secret?

1 vote

AES as Integer Program

1 vote

RSA weak padding

1 vote

EC: Why does $h>200$ need to hold?

0 votes

Why should $a,b < N$ for Montgomery Reduction?

0 votes

How to make the range of modulo $p$ to $[-\frac{p}{2};\frac{p}{2}]$?

0 votes

Fault encryption attack on RSA