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Questions tagged [ecies]

Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme (ECIES) is a public key encryption system proposed by Victor Shoup in 2001. It uses hybrid cryptography using ephemeral-static Diffie-Hellman together with an unspecified symmetric cipher.

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ECIES encryption time linearity with plaintext size using the same key lenght

Do you know if ECIES encryption time is linear with the plaintext size, using the same key length?
Nuno Lopes's user avatar
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Can the byte overhead of an ECDH based hybrid cryptosystem be reduced by encoding data in ephemeral key?

Motivation I have a use case that involves sending small (25-50 byte) encrypted messages over a very constrained channel. Many senders send public key encrypted messages to other receivers. Anonymity (...
Richard Thiessen's user avatar
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BouncyCastle -- Sending ECDH Derivation and Encoding Vectors in the Clear

So Alice is sending a one-way message to Bob. Alice and Bob both, of course, have their own ECDH private keys, as well as each other's public keys. I am using BouncyCastle 2.2.1 (BC) in this code. It ...
Kerry Thomas's user avatar
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Two-party randomness for KEM

As indicated in an earlier Q / A, KEM's do not necessarily directly encrypt a pre-generated random value. However, it is clear that some KEM's do actually do this, with RSA-KEM being an obvious ...
Maarten Bodewes's user avatar
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Why does ECIES use "Key Encapsulation"? Does it?

In yet another twist that is the terminology around key establishment I found out that ECIES is often denoted as key encapsulation followed by data encapsulation. I'm wondering how the term "key ...
Maarten Bodewes's user avatar
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Hybrid Approaches: ECIES-Kyber768 [closed]

I am considering using a hybrid approach by combining ECIES (Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme) with Kyber KEX (Kyber Key Exchange) for secure communication. Instead of using the traditional ...
dsfddg dggd's user avatar
5 votes
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Consequence of improper validation in point decompression?

Assume a standard ECC curve in a prime field $\mathbb F_p$ with $p\equiv3\pmod 4$, such as secp256k1; and code turning a bytestring for a compressed ECC public key into an Elliptic Curve point, that ...
fgrieu's user avatar
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How to know that MAC isn't modified in ECIES

I am new to ECC but I was wondering, If there is a situation where instead of the ciphertext being falsified, the sent MAC was tampered. How does the receiver verify that the ciphertext is still ...
Taha Canturk's user avatar
2 votes
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How does the ECIES-AES encryption work with a key size that is not supported by AES?

I am currently studying and implementing ECC algorithms but I encountered a problem. I want to use Secp521r1 for generating a shared key and encrypting with ECIES using AES256 but AES-256 requires a ...
Taha Canturk's user avatar
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Is this AES GCM + asymmetric schema secure?

I want to use the asymmetric encription offered by a tool to encrypt my files and I would like to know if the following encryption process works, regardless of perhaps not optimal use. Generate a <...
blockmined's user avatar
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Clarification on hybrid encryption vs ECIES vs symmetric encrypt the message and then use assymetric for key

I am trying to understand Hybrid encryption. When I first came across the term I though it is used to describe a scheme where the message is encrypted using a symmetric key, and the symmetric key is ...
Finlay Weber's user avatar
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Public key size for different elliptic curves

Let's say I want a certain level of security (eg 128 bits) when using ECIES but I also want to minimise communication, does the elliptic curve used matter on the size of the public key? If it does ...
Theo's user avatar
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How does the UE communicate its ephemeral public key to the HN in 5G networks?

I have been taking a look at ETSI TS 133 501 V16.3.0 to see how exactly does a User Equipment actually authenticates itself to the Home Network. This is supposed to be done during the AKA procedure, ...
joaquin_exe's user avatar
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Modified ECIES using EC point ADD with DH key

I have questions about ECIES. ECIES Vanillia ECIES Encryption side (Alice's side) In "vanilla" ECIES when Alice wants to send Bob an encrypted message: Alice uses some Elliptic Curve, e.g. <...
Sajjon's user avatar
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I am confused about the distinction between RSA and ECC (Elliptic curve) regarding encryption and would appreciate it if someone could confirm whether my understanding is correct. To encrypt a large ...
Vlad's user avatar
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ECIES for encrypting ECDH key exchange

I started studying Elliptic Curve Cryptography, and I do not know if I understand the difference between ECDH and ECIES (even with the other posts here on stackexchange). I'm wondering if ECIES can be ...
PRVS's user avatar
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Using XOR to derive a data key for ECIES

I have been thinking about a rather simple enhancement for (EC)IES / RSA-KEM. The scheme would allow you to encrypt data while the calculation of the session / data key can be performed afterwards or ...
Maarten Bodewes's user avatar
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Possible issues with ECIES using a static (non-ephemeral) sender key

After looking at this bitcoin-related ECIES repo I believe the intention is that, at least in some cases, the recipient would know that the message is intended for them and use an secp256k1 public key ...
thesquaregroot's user avatar
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is using secp256k1 curve for ECIES considered safe?

I read SafeCurves it indicates Secp256k1 is not SafeCurve by their standards but bitcoin and ETH use it in their blockchain. I researched more and figured out that using Secp256k1 ECDSA(singing ...
emaditaj's user avatar
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Where to store public key of an asymmetric cryptosystem?

I am developing an application that uses ECIES encryption and I am currently storing private keys in secure place on each peer and storing public keys in a shared database (accessible by all peers). ...
SaliaMun's user avatar
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ECIES/ ECDHE/ EC-ElGamal encryption comparison

I need to choose an encryption system, so I am trying to understand the differences between the existing options. I always find that people compare ECIES (Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme) ...
SaliaMun's user avatar
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How to implement correctly an Integrated Encryption Scheme?

I am developing a REST client (from an Android Point Of Sale) where I'm given a public RSA 2048-bit key and I need to encrypt transaction information. Since that single block cannot be encrypted (and ...
Guillermo Garcia Maynez's user avatar
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Why doesn't the JOSE suite/JWA include ECIES?

The JOSE suite specifics use of RSA-OAEP (for when one party has an RSA key) and ECDH (for when two parties have EC keys) in JWA. Why doesn't it include ECIES? It seems like a way to derive a key ...
kag0's user avatar
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Could be generated a symmetric key for every message?

I would like to use IES (x25519 and AES-GCM), but every message used a new session key, does that affect the performance of the system? do I need to used session key to refer to the key that used by ...
Aymn Alaney's user avatar
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Plaintext Size Limit for ECIES with AES-128 CBC mode

Using the ECIES (Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme), is there a limit size of plaintext? (what is the maximum allowed number of bytes to be encrypted with ECIES).
SaliaMun's user avatar
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Does Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme (ECIES) provide IND-CCA2 security?

I am looking for a faster alternative to RSA with OAEP as a IND-CCA2 public key scheme. Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme might be a candidate, but I am not sure if it provides IND-CCA2 ...
stefanix's user avatar
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Is it secure to encrypt a 1 GB data file with AES-CTR by ECIES?

I have a file system with share resources over the network (like a shared FTP) Is it possible to use the client's ECC public key to encrypt the AES key, and then use the AES in CRT mode for the file ...
Charles Cao's user avatar
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Ethereum RLPx protocol for inter-node communication - flaws in the encryption

Ethereum uses RLPx/devp2p for inter-node communication. The protocol is encrypted using Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme (see ref) Under Known-Issues I found this paragraph: The RLPx ...
ivicaa's user avatar
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Are the following asymmetric encryption schemes equivalent?

Consider the scenario where you want a machine to be able to send daily encrypted backups to a storage server. You'd prefer to not use simply a symmetric key for encryption, because if the machine ...
knaccc's user avatar
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Do I need to know the curve for ECIES decryption?

Let's assume that I have key pair generated using the following curves: brainpoolP256r1, brainpoolP320r1, brainpoolP384r1 or brainpoolP512r1. Do I need information which curve was used to decrypt ...
Mateusz Stefaniak's user avatar
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How does IES compare versus AES and RSA? [closed]

How does IES compare versus AES and RSA in terms of speed and security?
Clyde D'Cruz's user avatar
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Offline authenticated encryption for pub/sub

Requirements: only publisher can create messages publisher & subscriber can both read messages and authenticate the publisher offline message transfer messages can't be read by non-participants ...
Peter Oehlert's user avatar
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ECIES Authentication

In the ECIES scheme, the sender generates an ephemeral public key per each message it encrypts. This public key, together with the receiver's private key, is used in order to generate a shared secret ...
Evgeni Vaknin's user avatar
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ECIES need for KDF

Reading the ECIES algorithms (and elgamal in general), the general wisdom is to use a KDF and MAC on the shared secret before using it for encryption of ciphertext. I suspect, however, this was ...
Erik Aronesty's user avatar
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Differences between ECIES and DHIES

I'm studying the Integrated Encryption Scheme and I did't understand which are the main differences between ECIES and DHIES. Can someone help me ? Thank you in advance.
thinker.92's user avatar
3 votes
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ECIES: ECDSA with Kmac and without MAC

I have couple of questions about ECIES. I understand how ECIES work and what I must do if I want to have ECIES with ECDSA for authentication (I understand that for full authentication I have to have ...
sribin's user avatar
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Ciphertext size of RSA, ELGamal, and EICES encryption

I have to make a choice based on the minimum stored data, so I would like to know which encryption protocol is better in terms of the size of the resulting ciphertext for very short plaintexts (8 to ...
SaliaMun's user avatar
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I understand how ECIES work. I have a structure of message [alice`s ephemeral public key, MAC tag, ciphertext] I do not understand what I shoud do if I want to ...
sribin's user avatar
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Is there a proxy re-encryption algorithm for Elliptic Curve ECIES?

I was wondering if there is a way to perform proxy re-encryption for ECIES public-key encryption (i.e. given a message encrypted with Alice's public key, re-encrypt it using Bob's public key). Is that ...
Ayman Madkour's user avatar
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Do you need to MAC an ECIES message?

Normally, when decrypting messages, you need to check if the message is authentic and integral (aka, never decrypt before checking the MAC). With ECIES, this seems to be done internally. Is it ...
Jonathan S. Fisher's user avatar
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ECIES for not shared encryption

I am using ECIES (Cryptobox as poncho pointed out) for public key encryption with ECC between Alice and Bob with secret/public keys $(a,A)$ and $(b,B)$ respectively. So Alice encrypts to Bob with $$ ...
Manuel Schmidt's user avatar
-1 votes
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ECDH can be used for Key Agreement(KA) as per ECIES specification?

I want to implement a library to provide ECIES (Elliptical Curve Integrated Encryption Standard). We could see DH can be used as KA function for ECIES. I want to know specifically the ECDH (Elliptic ...
Shyju Thekkumbadan's user avatar
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How to extract MAC and AES keys using x9.63 based kdf

For trying ECIES, I need to derive keys for MAC and AES from the shared secret using ANSI x9.63 based KDF. The information on key derivation I got it from Section 3.6.1 of
Shyju Thekkumbadan's user avatar
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Does this ECIES scheme make MAC redundant?

I've implemented ECIES (see the below pseudo-Python). ...
Mark's user avatar
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Is EC integrated encryption scheme used in practice?

I know ECDSA and ECDH are used a lot but what about the ECIES? Is it used or specified as an option in any protocol?
SFlow's user avatar
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ECIES public key distribution

I am trying to implement ECIES (using BouncyCastle and FlexiProvider) across mobile app and server communication whereby the mobile app will encrypt a data and server will decrypt the same. Now how ...
Subhapam's user avatar
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What's the ASN.1 structure of ECIES encryption result? [closed]

I got a ECIES encryption result and a publickey,the publickey after decoding to ASN.1, I obtained the following: ...
Jswq's user avatar
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How do I avoid random output in ECIES encryption and Elgamal encryption as well?

I have a case where to ensure the same encrypted string for the given input. Say for example If "Hello" is encrypted more than one time then same encrypted string should be i should get as ...
Hakuna Matata's user avatar
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Is IV needed in ECIES?

Is IV needed in ECIES (Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme) used with AES-CTR? The ephemeral key pair is generated randomly therefore the encryption key derived from the public key must be ...
WebWorkerExpert's user avatar
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Sign + ETM in ECIES

Using ECIES in a file encryption protocol, I need to authenticate the sender, so I'm using ECDSA, and I'm wondering if signing the ephemeral public key(needed by receiver to derive the shared ...
Frank's user avatar
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