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Hardcoded PBKDF2 salt for password based AES-GCM?

One of the problems of not using a random - or at least unique - salt is that you will always be using the same key. That means that an adversary can (pre-)compute lots of keys from a set of passwords ...
Maarten Bodewes's user avatar
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Hardcoded PBKDF2 salt for password based AES-GCM?

Each different password should always have its own unique salt. But there is no reason for the same password to be hashed with different salts for each key generation, unless you actually want ...
n-l-i's user avatar
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Hardcoded PBKDF2 salt for password based AES-GCM?

No, it's not safe to use a fixed salt. Salts are random. The reason for using a random salt is that if two people used the same password and run it through your implementation they'll create ...
Swashbuckler's user avatar
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